Jiang Feng: Strive to create brilliant future and create going forward future.

Chairman of the China Household Electrical Appliance Association: Jiang Feng: Strive to create brilliant future and create going forward future.




Dear Minister Li, Minister Zeng, distinguished leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: Good afternoon everyone!

In November, Beijing has entered the cold winter season, but our celebrations are full of friends and guests, and has a spring feeling..

Today, we are here to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the China Household Electrical Appliance Association. We will review the glorious history of China's household appliance industry in the 40 years of reform and opening up and look forward to the bright future of China's home appliance industry.

First of all, on behalf of the China Household Electrical Appliance Association, I would like to extend my warmest welcome and heartfelt thanks to the leaders, representatives from all walks of life and entrepreneurs who attended today's celebrations from all over the country!


2018 is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the China Household Electrical Appliance Association and the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening.

Forty years, in the long history, it is just a star dust in galaxy, but Chinese home appliance people, with their wisdom and diligence, let the young home appliance industry in China take lead in the world. In 1978, the total output value of the home appliance industry was only 420 million Yuan, an increase of more than 3500 times; the profit reached 116.9 billion Yuan; an increase of nearly 4000 times; the total export value was 62.4 billion US dollars, an increase of more than 2,200times… The growing date which shows the global leading position of Chinese home appliance industry is the result of hard work and innovation of home appliance people in the past 40 years.  


Looking back at the road to success in China's home appliance industry, I have a few insights to share with you. China's home appliance industry has achieved remarkable achievements.


First of all, benefit from the historical opportunity of reform and opening up. Reform and opening have greatly mobilized people's enthusiasm and creativity, and have effectively promoted the great development of the economy and society. The people's living standards have changed from subsistence to well, bringing huge market demand and consumption potential, providing a rare development for China's home appliance industry.



The second is to benefit from the development of a high starting point for the introduction of technology. Start with a high starting point for the introduction of technology, rapidly form production scale, shorten the gap between China's home appliance products, technology, management with foreign advanced knowledge, promote the steady improvement of the quality of home appliances, and then absorb them, cultivate independent innovation capabilities, and form a complete home appliance industry system and supporting system. The scale and speed brought about by the high starting point have enabled China's home appliances to quickly establish a comparative advantage in the world and laid the global industrial status of China's home appliance industry.


The third is to benefit from full market competition. Since 1990s, the state has basically eliminated special preferential policies and protection policies for the home appliance industry. The introduction of the competition mechanism accelerates the “survival of the fittest” in the industry, enhances the quality, innovation and brand awareness of home appliance enterprises, making the home appliance industry one of the most dynamic industries in the process of transforming China's economic system and economic growth mode. A large number of foreign-funded enterprises investing in China to build factories also make the domestic market competitive internationally. Full competition will enable company to grow stronger and stronger.


The fourth is to benefit from the open development model that was integrated into the world. Joining the WTO has opened the process of China's integration into the world and the globalization of China. This open development model allows the Chinese home appliance industry to seize the historical opportunity of global industrial transfer in a timely manner, undertake the transfer of the world's home appliance manufacturing industry, and establish China's status as a global appliance manufacturing power. Over the past 40 years, we have actively participated in global competition, and have enabled China's home appliance industry to continuously upgrade in the global industrial division of labor value chain, from “going out” of product to “going out” of the brand, and then carrying out global production, R&D and brand layout, showing the rising momentum of the group.


The fifth is to benefit from the innovative spirit of advancing with the times. Through “introduction, digestion, absorption, and innovation”, China's home appliance industry has successfully established its own research and development system and team. Since the 'Twelfth Five-Year Plan', China's household appliance industry has actively carried out supply-side reforms, looking for new development drivers to meet the escalating consumer demand. Product development from follow-up, imitation to independent innovation; innovation model from closed to open, to the establishment of an open global R & D system; manufacturing model from manual, semi-automated, automated, to intelligent manufacturing ... innovation spirit of advancing with the times, Let Chinese home appliance enterprises stand out in the new round of industrial upgrading.


Sixth, thanks to outstanding entrepreneurs with innovative spirit and outstanding home appliance workers. Over the past 40 years, China's home appliance industry has emerged a group of outstanding entrepreneurs who are good at learning, have a forward-looking vision, and have reform and innovation spirit, leading the Chinese home appliance industry to be at the forefront of the times. Over the past 40 years, a large number of excellent home appliance technology workers and industrial workers trained by the Chinese household appliance industry have become a valuable asset for the rapid rise of China's home appliance industry.


We are very proud. In the process of China's household appliance industry growing from weak to strong, China Household Electrical Appliance Association played an irreplaceable role.


Thirty years ago, due to the institutional reform of the state organs and the need for industry management, the China Household Electrical Appliance Association came into being. This was one of the earliest established industry associations from the government management to the industry management. The China Household Electrical Appliances Association is at the right time and shoulders the great responsibility. Since then, the China Household Electrical Appliance Association has taken on the responsibility of industry management, and grown up with the Chinese household appliance industry.


Over the past 30 years, the Association has always stood at the forefront of the industry, with a global vision and adhering to its service tenet, and has made positive contributions in “guiding the development of the industry, promoting technological innovation, safeguarding the interests of the industry, and serving member companies”. Along with the rapid growth of the industry, the association itself has also developed and become a 5A-level community organization with member satisfaction, government recognition, and social needs.


We insist on guiding the healthy development of the industry. Through the preparation of home appliance industry development planning recommendations, research and analysis of domestic and international industry trends, the establishment of association group standards, the establishment of China Home Appliances & Consumer Electronics Expo AWE, the establishment of industry self-discipline conventions, strengthen corporate social responsibility awareness, guide the upgrading of industrial structure, and promote supply-side reform, ... For 30 years, we have adhered to various forms to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and guide the healthy development of the industry.


We insist on promoting technological innovation. We firmly believe that to achieve the goal of 'powering the country' in China's home appliances, we must adhere to the road of independent innovation. We set up technical committees, set up various communication platforms such as China Household Appliance Technology Conference, formulate technology roadmap for China's home appliance industry, and promote energy conservation and environmental protection in the industry... For 30 years, we have insisted on encouraging independent innovation and taking an innovation-driven development path.


We insist on safeguarding the interests of the industry. As a bridge and link between the government and enterprises, we have actively participated in policy research and proposed policy recommendations while promoting and implementing government policies for 30 years. In terms of policies and regulations, standards development, international trade, industry supervision, etc., active communication with relevant departments and institutions to reflect the status quo, needs and corporate voices. We advocate fair competition, standardize operations, and maintain a level playing field in the industry.


We insist on serving member companies. In the past 30 years, we have adhered to innovative service methods, constantly improved service capabilities and standards, and strived to listen to the voices of member companies and meet the reasonable needs of member companies, so that the association can truly become a trustworthy, reliable and inseparable member to companies.


We strengthen the association's own construction. Over the past 30 years, we have continuously improved the governance structure of the association and further improved the decision-making level of the board of directors and the standing council. We have sorted out and adjusted the institutional setup of professional committees and strengthened the construction of professional committees in the field of subdivided products. We have worked hard to build China National Grid and 'Electrical Appliances' magazine's two major media platforms to enhance the influence of Chinese home appliances. We strengthen internal management and training, and strive to improve the staff's ability and level of service.


The growth of the China Household Electrical Appliance Association over the past 30 years is a process of continuous innovation and exploration in the industry management model. Including the leaders and friends present today, generations of home appliances have devoted a lot of efforts to the development of the industry and the work of the association which made a lot of efforts to give us a lot of help.


Today we are grateful for opportunities in the times. The country's strong, reform and opening-up policies and economic development have given China's home appliance industry a booming opportunity and also contributed to the China Household Electrical Appliance Association.


We are grateful for the support of the government and relevant institutions. From the 'support' in the weak stage, the 'let go' in the growth stage, and the 'push' in the transformation and upgrading stage, we have been supporting and helping the Chinese household appliance industry and the association for decades, and we are mindful of it.


We are grateful for the trust and help of our member companies. Thank you for your trust, willing to tell us the troubles and difficulties of the company; thank you for your support and actively participate in the activities organized by the association; thank you for your help, take the initiative to share your experience and achievements with the industry, and look for common problems in the industry. Work together to developing technology roadmap and standards. The China Household Electrical Appliance Association has been grateful for you for 30 years.


We are grateful for the dedication and hard work of all employees. The employees of several generations of associations are full of mission, responsibility and ideals, and work together for mutual benefit. I am grateful to you, to share the joys and sorrows with the association, to grow together in the same boat.


We must be especially grateful, grateful to the entrepreneurs in the early days of reform and opening up, and the old leaders of the association's initial stage, and thank the generations of home appliances for their hard work. The perseverance and courage of the old entrepreneurs is the source of the hard work and innovative spirit of China's home appliance industry today, laying the foundation for the rise of China's home appliance industry today; the old leaders have determined that 'serving enterprises, playing the role of bridges and ties' The positioning of the association still guides the work of today's associations; the hard work of generations of home appliances can make the glory of China's home appliance industry today. Thank you let Chinese home appliances shine in the world.


After 30 years of enthusiasm, 30 years of innovation and seeking, it is with everyone's firm support and along the way, the association's growth path can be smooth; 30 years of solidarity and cooperation, 30 years of unity, with the trust and support of everyone Inclusiveness, sharing, and the role of the association can be highlighted. Thank you, I hope we can continue to prosper.


Today is a commemoration of the past 30 years and a blessing for the next 30 years. We look back, not only to commemorate, but also to hope and dream. Dreams require passion and ideals, and dreams require struggle and dedication. At present, China's economy is facing a transformation, a new round of science and technology and industrial revolution is on the rise, and the world's political economy is full of uncertainty, all of which will bring unprecedented challenges to China's home appliance industry. New technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence are rapidly moving toward large-scale applications. Smart society and smart life are coming soon. All of these will bring new development opportunities to China's home appliance industry. In the face of the new situation, we can only strengthen our learning and be brave in innovation, in order to seize opportunities, meet challenges, achieve high-quality development, and realize the dream of becoming a 'powerful country' in global home appliances.


Looking to the future, we have to transform into intelligence. The smart life of the Internet of Everything is close at hand, and new technologies such as artificial intelligence are profoundly changing our way of life and production. We must actively embrace the intelligent future and use smart technology to empower the home appliance industry. It is necessary to combine the smart life scenes of the future and integrate various cutting-edge technologies to provide users with better smart home appliances. It is necessary to continuously improve the level of automation, intelligence, and information of enterprises, and gradually realize the digitalization and intelligence of decision-making, research and development, supply chain, manufacturing, marketing, and service, and realize intelligent manufacturing and intelligent management.


Looking to the future, we must persist in innovation. Innovation-driven development is an important strategy for achieving high-quality development in the home appliance industry. We must increase investment in technological innovation, make full use of global innovation resources, and focus on the application of artificial intelligence technology, Internet of things technology, new materials technology, energy conservation and environmental protection technology in the field of home appliances, adhere to the concept of green, low carbon, sustainable development, and strengthen relevant basic research and original technology research, accelerate core technology breakthroughs, and further enhance independent innovation capabilities.


Looking to the future, we have to be strong brands. To become a global powerhouse, you must have a strong independent brand. Efforts should be made to improve the reputation of China's home appliance brands, establish a solid brand foundation with independent intellectual property rights and core technologies, improve product quality and user experience with first-class product quality, design and service, meet the needs of global consumers, and improve the brand of Chinese home appliances' international influence.


Looking to the future, we must cooperation. The rapid development and application of new technologies such as the Internet are reshaping the cooperation mode of the home appliance industry ecosystem, and the industrial boundaries are increasingly blurred. We must adopt a more open concept, a more inclusive mind, and a more enterprising spirit to realize multi-dimensional cross-border and integration of thinking, awareness and methods, and create a new home appliance ecosystem to achieve complementary advantages and win-win cooperation.


Facing the future, the association must keep pace with the times, the future is full of challenges and uncertainties, and the role of industry associations will be even more important. We must work hard to grasp the development direction of the home appliance industry, continue to improve service capabilities and levels, and make greater contributions to achieving goals of the industry.


The best way to dream of the future is to set off. 30 years has given us a new starting point for the whole package. I hope that after many years, you and I will still be excited about being in the home appliance industry and following such a glorious era. Time never lived up to the people who struggled. Moved in heart, the mission is on shoulder, for a better future, let us join hands together to start.


Thank you all!